I was sort of afraid to post this, but, what do I have to lose? I've been sitting on this proof for almost 2 days now.
Name: Sydo
Witnesses: None that would help me.
Offender: R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord
What Happened: I was on Yavin2, buying weapons, I believe Mephisto and Bodacious was there, not sure.. Right after buying my last weapon, I get jailed by R@isen. I am not sure why, I ask him, and he says I don't have a right to ask. He then tells me he is AFK.
Part 1
screenshot.xfire.com/s/113308906-4.jpgPart 2
screenshot.xfire.com/s/113308923-4.jpgPart 3
screenshot.xfire.com/s/113308944-4.jpgPart 4
screenshot.xfire.com/s/113308964-4.jpgAs you can see, Raisen has jailed me. When I ask him why, he mutes me. He tells me I have no right to ask why, but I tell him what the rules !!BOSS!! has. Then he tells me hes afk. No reason specified. As you can see at the bottom of Part 4 SS, it
has me dump the files to 'Raisenabuse2' I will copy and paste it below:
(NOTE: I have deleted the loading part of the log so it wouldn't spam you a bunch of nonesense of my pk3s loading)WARNING: You are missing some files referenced by the server:
lugormod/Lugormod.pk3 (local file exists with wrong checksum)
You might not be able to join the game
Go to the setting menu to turn on autodownload, or get the file elsewhere
glGetError() = 0x500
Loading dll file ui.
Loading dll file cgame.
WARNING: reused image gfx/sprites/y_grass_tall with mixed glWrapClampMode parm
WARNING: shader 'textures/rift/symbol8' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/rift/symbol8' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
WARNING: shader 'textures/rift/symbol8' has lightmap but no lightmap stage!
Endorphix!!BOSS!!*LD entered the game
Bodacious entered the game
Padawan connected
^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M entered the game
Login successful.
The account will expire in 1337 days if you do not login before that.
^sydo.M entered the game
SARAK entered the game
D^8arth D^8raxis entered the game
Mephisto!!BOSS!!*M entered the game
Mephisto!!BOSS!!*M: BobaFett's Ultra Utility v3 Beta 17a - Ultra-Utility.com
Padawan entered the game
Padawan has become Padawan 6
Padawan 6 entered the game
Padawan 6 has committed SUICIDE
[Warning:The Bank Has Been Hacked!]
Padawan has committed SUICIDE
^sydo.M has committed SUICIDE
(<-o0OIFLIPPYIO0o->) quit
Padawan connected
^sydo.M: where be the shop
Mephisto!!BOSS!!*M: who want look glitch ? .
^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M was SLICED by D^8arth D^8raxis
Padawan connected
^sydo.M: who want a shop?
^sydo.M: i do
Bodacious has committed SUICIDE
Padawan entered the game
Padawan has committed SUICIDE
Mephisto!!BOSS!!*M: who want big tities .
Mephisto!!BOSS!!*M: i want lol .
Kandø'Ruus was SLICED by ^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M
epicwolf: hey
Padawan entered the game
^sydo.M: rocket launcher is 50cr srsly?
D^8arth D^8raxis was SLICED by ^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M
Padawan: BobaFett's Ultra Utility v3 Beta 16 - Ultra-Utility.com
]/pay 50
]/pay 60
^sydo.M: conc is 60cr srsly?
epicwolf: i know its good
You have been jailed indefinitely.
If you leave the server while in jail
you will be temporarily banned from this server.
^sydo.M has been jailed.
^sydo.M: what... the fray?
R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord: hi sydo
SARAK: i prefer teenage tits
^sydo.M: y was i jailed
Padawan: HEADSHOTwhat the...HEADSHOT
R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord: u know why
Padawan11 connected
^sydo.M: when did i lame
R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord: u did lame alot
Padawan has committed SUICIDE
^sydo.M: when???
R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord: then dc
(<-o0OIFLIPPYIO0o->) joined the spectators.
(<-o0OIFLIPPYIO0o->) has become Padawan
^sydo.M: o you mean the det packs?
(<-o0OIFLIPPYIO0o->) has become Padawan
^sydo.M: polak shot the rocket at them lololol
R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord: you are not in that possition where you can ask these questions
^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M: heal.
^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M was SLICED by D^8arth D^8raxis
(<-o0OIFLIPPYIO0o->) joined the battle.
(<-o0OIFLIPPYIO0o->) entered the game
(<-o0OIFLIPPYIO0o->) has committed SUICIDE
^sydo.M: Actually, I do.
R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord: no you're not
Padawan11 entered the game
SARAK: mute him
Padawan11 has committed SUICIDE
Mephisto!!BOSS!!*M was SLICED by ^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M
^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M: ops.
Mephisto!!BOSS!!*M: np
D^8arth D^8raxis was SLICED by Kandø'Ruus
Kandø'Ruus was SLICED by ^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M
]\tell r@isen By your rules, I am allowed to ask why I was jailed. Now I am asking why I was muted.
]\tell r@isen By your rules, I am allowed to ask why I was jailed. Now I am asking why I was muted.
[^sydo.M]: By your rules, I am allowed to ask why I was jailed. Now I am asking why I was muted.
^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M: sorry >.<.
D^8arth D^8raxis was SLICED by Kandø'Ruus
[R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord]: because you're being a pain in the ass
[Warning:The Bank Has Been Hacked!]
]\tell R@isen How so? I haven't said a thing to you until now.
]\tell R@isen How so? I haven't said a thing to you until now.
[^sydo.M]: How so? I haven't said a thing to you until now.
D^8arth D^8raxis was SLICED by ^8Nom^8!!BOSS!!*^8M
]\condump raisenabuse
Dumped console text to raisenabuse.
[R@isen!!BOSS!!*SLord]: afk
]\tell r@isen Really...
]\tell r@isen Really...
[^sydo.M]: Really...
]\tell r@isen Enough games.
]\tell r@isen Enough games.
[^sydo.M]: Enough games.
]\condump raisenabuse2
Dumped console text to raisenabuse2.
Thank you for your time, I hope R@isen can explain his actions and/or is punished appropiately.